Are you looking for a customer satisfaction keynote speaker for a meeting on customer loyalty or customer service? Dr. Van Bennekom can bring to your attendees his unique perspective on:
- Articulating the voice of the customer within your organization for organizational improvement and increasing customer loyalty
- Critical importance of well designed and executed customer research
- The strategic role of service organizations within an enterprise, helping to expand their vision as not just a customer interaction center, but also a business interaction center.
In recent years Fred has been a keynote speaker for service manager conferences at Government Customer Service Conference @930gov, Customer Care Institute Forum, Thermo Electron, Unipress Software Users Group Meeting, Ticomix Users Group Meeting, FirstWave Users Group Meeting, Billerica Mass Chamber of Commerce, Nixon-Peabody, Eaton Corporation, Symbol Technologies, Mettler-Toledo, Penn State Center for Supply Chain Research, US Courts Librarians, TeamShare, MRO Software, SoftEd (New Zealand) and Pink Elephant (Canada).
Focus Groups & Meeting Facilitation
Dr. Van Bennekom is seasoned expert at conducting focus groups and facilitating business meetings. We conduct focus groups, typically as part of a custom survey project to identify critical survey questions, but focus groups are a valuable research tool for generating detailed, actionable information.
Fred can help you achieve the goals of a working meeting where an outside facilitator can bring unique perspective and value. For example, do you have an upcoming users group meeting where you want to capture insights from customers about product issues and needs? We can achieve those goals for you.