
You’re been put in charge of your organization’s survey program!

Now the bad news…  Your knowledge of surveys consists of having taken a bunch of surveys.  But from having taken a lot of really bad surveys you recognize you need to learn more about surveying practices for your surveys to deliver meaningful, accurate, actionable data.

Yes, the survey software vendors provide survey tips, but they just don’t cut it.  It may be easy to build a survey in their tools, but you may be building another really bad survey.

You’ve come to the right place for survey design and analysis training.

Great Brook is the worldwide leader of survey design and analysis training courses.  Our signature Survey Workshop Series is an intensive three-day, in-person survey training that includes:

  • Questionnaire Design Essentials Workshop.  One day of intensive training on the key points of questionnaire design.
  • Survey Design & Administration Workshop.  Two days of training  that go beyond the Questionnaire Design Essentials with more questionnaire coverage, experiential learning of questionnaire design, along with survey administration
  • Survey Data Analysis Workshop.  A one-day refresher course of your college statistics class focusing on the proper analysis of survey data, including how to present the findings in compelling graphs and charts.

You’ll leave the class with the skills needed to execute an effective survey project — and in the Survey Design & Administration Workshop you’ll get feedback on a survey instrument you’re using or developing. Follow those above links for class details.

Thousands of people have taken our survey training courses — whether for customer surveys, employee surveys, some other group, or market research — over the past two decades.  We offer public live in-person classes in the US, and through our business partners we deliver our survey training in Dubai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Sydney.  Of course, we can come to your office and train your staff in a private workshop.

See our schedule of public class offerings or contact us to discuss a private survey workshop for your organization’s staff.

Dr. Fred teaching Singapore. (Our business partners love art as you can see.)

But I Can’t Take 3 Days Out of the Office!

Good News!  We now offer our classes through Teach:able’s online learning platform.  We include all the same content as in our in-person classes but with the convenience of learning at your own pace in your own office.  Yes, you lose the group discussion, but we augment the remote learning with 1-on-1 coaching.

Check out our online school.