Why We Use Our Survey Training Method?
There’s teaching.
And then there’s learning.
Teaching in a manner that doesn’t promote learning is pointless. That’s why the survey training method for the
- Questionnaire Design Essentials Workshop
- Survey Design & Administration Workshop
- Survey Data Analysis Workshop
combines lectures, discussions, and exercises to foster deep-seated learning — and to foster group interaction that keeps the workshop an engaging experience. We practice the steps of creating a survey questionnaire and analyzing a survey data set.
To help ensure a high-quality experience, we limit the class size to 15 people. People come to the class to learn about survey practices, but also to talk about their survey program. This rich discussion among the participants and the instructor is a valuable part of the survey workshop training experience.
Obviously here we’re talking about our live, in-person workshop deliveries. Alas, our online, take-at-your-own-pace workshops hosted at Teach:able can’t offer that group discussion that we crave as professional educators, but we do combine the lectures (which is all the same content as our live classes) with 1-on-1 coaching.
For the Survey Design & Analysis Workshop, immediate feedback is also provided on attendees’ survey questionnaires. On Day Two, the class, including its survey expert instructor, performs a group critique of questionnaires brought in by class members! This is a favorite part of the class for attendees — and the instructor. Attendees leave with more than just enhanced skills; they leave with an enhanced survey questionnaire.
The Survey Design Workshop also includes a post-workshop Questionnaire Quality Check by the instructor to ensure your survey program is off to a solid start, a $95 value.
For our online customers at Teach:able, we offer a coaching session to review a survey and to discuss specific issues you might have.
Why We Use Our Survey Training Methods?
The proof lies in the results. When you leave Dr. Fred’s survey workshop training, you’ll have mastery of the tools and techniques for each step in a survey research project. Perhaps more importantly, you will also know the issues that need to be addressed at every stage of a survey project, issues the untrained surveyor would miss.
Students leaving the class frequently comment that they didn’t realize the many considerations when executing a survey project, but they feel very confident in attacking their next survey project.