Design for Supportability Workshop
Driving Interaction Between Customer Support and Product Development.
Workshop Description
The focus of most process re-engineering is to revamp current process for greater efficiencies. An overlooked aspect of re-engineering is to leverage current operational processes for greater effectiveness.
The customer support organization is the center of much knowledge in a corporation, including knowledge it collects from customers about their product experiences. Yet this knowledge frequently is not shared with the product development group. Companies that have engineered linkages between Customer Support and Product Development have achieved higher quality products and lower support requirements, providing a competitive advantage on Total Cost of Ownership.
Support and R&D with separate fridges. How — other than through a microwave — can the groups interact better?
This workshop will illustrate the benefits of developing these feedback loops, reviewing the results of in-depth research and work with companies on customer support’s strategic role as a feedback agent for quality improvement. Three facets will be addressed. First, current industry practice will be chronicled through company examples. Second, the positive operational and financial impact of more robust feedback roles will be demonstrated. Third, the factors that foster these feedback roles will be described, including metrics to drive the interaction. Attendees will come away armed with concrete ideas for tapping this important source of information.
Please consider our research report, Problem Prevention Through Design for Supportability.
To get a flavor of the report, request a complimentary copy of the first chapter.
See our articles on Design for Supportability